Dr. David Haddad and Dr. Adem Senalan offer cutting-edge implant-supported dentures, including All-on-X implants, to enhance the stability, comfort and aesthetics of your smile. Explore the transformative benefits of this advanced dental solution.

Why Choose Implant-Supported Dentures?
Implant-supported dentures provide a secure and durable alternative to traditional dentures, offering numerous advantages for those seeking a more stable and natural-looking smile.

Key Features of Implant-Supported Dentures

  • Enhanced Stability: Implants anchor the dentures securely in place, preventing slipping or shifting during daily activities.
  • Improved Comfort: Experience increased comfort with implant-supported dentures, as they eliminate the discomfort and irritation often associated with traditional dentures.
  • Natural Aesthetics: The design of implant-supported dentures closely resembles natural teeth, providing a more lifelike and attractive smile.

The Implant Process

  • Consultation and Planning: Our dentists and team assesses your oral health, discusses your goals and creates a personalized implant plan.
  • Implant Placement: Dental implants, small titanium posts, are surgically placed into the jawbone to serve as sturdy anchors for the dentures.
  • Custom Denture Creation: A custom-made denture is crafted to fit precisely over the implants, ensuring a comfortable and natural-looking result.

All-on-X Implants
All-on-X implants are a comprehensive and efficient solution for restoring a full arch of teeth. This implant-supported solution uses a few strategically placed implants to support a denture, providing you with a full-arch restoration that offers superior functionality, aesthetics, stability and comfort compared to traditional dentures. With advanced techniques and technologies, All-on-X implants can significantly reduce treatment time while delivering long-term benefits for your oral health, smile and quality of life. If you have lost multiple teeth, All-on-X implants could be the solution for you!

Why Darien Dental Associates for Implant-Supported Dentures?
We are skilled in implant dentistry, ensuring precise placement and optimal results. Darien Dental Associates offers comprehensive care, from consultation to aftercare, to provide patients with a seamless implant-supported denture experience.

Transform your smile with the stability and aesthetics of implant-supported dentures in Darien, Illinois. Call us at (630) 969-8214 to schedule your appointment and regain confidence in your smile with this advanced dental solution.