Dr. David Haddad and Dr. Adem Senalan provide cutting-edge dental implant solutions to restore missing teeth with natural-looking and durable results. Explore the transformative benefits of dental implants for enhanced oral health and confidence.

Key Advantages of Dental Implants

  • Permanent Restoration: Dental implants provide a long-lasting and permanent solution for missing teeth, unlike traditional alternatives.
  • Natural Appearance: Implants closely resemble natural teeth in both appearance and functionality, restoring your smile with a seamless and lifelike result.
  • Preservation of Jawbone: Implants stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss that can occur with missing teeth and maintaining facial structure.

Comprehensive Dental Implant Process

  • Consultation: Our implant dentists and team assess your oral health, discuss treatment options and develop a personalized implant plan.
  • Implant Placement: Small titanium posts are surgically placed into the jawbone to serve as sturdy anchors for the artificial teeth.
  • Healing Period: The jawbone fuses with the implants during a healing period, creating a stable foundation for the final restorations.
  • Custom Restoration: Custom-made crowns, bridges or dentures are attached to the implants, completing your smile with precision and aesthetics.

Why Choose Us for Dental Implants?

  • Expertise: Our dentists brings their expertise to implant dentistry, ensuring precise placement and optimal results.
  • Comprehensive Care: Darien Dental Associates offers comprehensive care, from consultation to aftercare, ensuring a positive and successful dental implant experience.

Revitalize your smile with the permanence and natural aesthetics of dental implants in Darien, Illinois. Contact us at (630) 969-8214 to schedule your appointment and reclaim confidence in your smile.